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Storage Tanks

    Storage Tanks are an integral part of Oil and Gas Exploration and Chemical Production Industry. These come in various hues and different roof and shell designs. The most common are the fixed roof; either supported or self supported roof tanks. Open roof tanks are also used for reasons of economy, especially for firewater service. Due to strict emiision laws and concern for the environment as well as conservation, internal and external floating tanks

Pressure Vessels

  A pressure vessel is a closed container designed to hold gases or liquids at a pressure different from the ambient pressure.This pressurised environment combined with heat and or mass transfer bring about the reactions required for the various operations in the Oil and Gas and Chemical Process Industry. The pressure differential of ill designed pressure vessels have led to fatalities in the history of pressure vessel development and operationand hence pressure vessel design, manufacture,

Heat Exchangers

Heat transfer is often an integral parameter in the process operation and this is achieved by heat transfer equipment which come in various designs. . Heat exchangers transfer heat from a hot fluid to a colder fluid through the combined mechanisms of conduction and forced convection. In most heat exchangers, a metal wall separates the two fluids. All heat exchangers are similar in their principle of operation; however, heat exchangers may differ in the specific


  There are yet several other equipment in a Chemical Plant and Petrochemical Complex that pose severe challenges to design engineers Chimneys These are needed to emit exhaust gases higher up in the atmosphere to ensure proper diffusion takes place.Acid condensation, corrosion determination,stability, deflection, foundation design cover a wide range of engineering principles beyond that considered for most other equipment except tall towers. Agitators Mixing is as universal a unit operation as heat transfer, fluid